在amazon买了个笔记本,买好后就被amazon以关联账户的名义关闭了账户,但是货已经发出来了,而且QQ已经入库~我联系了amazon~他们提供了一个ups号码~说是2-5个工作日会上门收货~具体邮件回复如下~~我该怎么办?~我没有电子退货标签提供给你们QQ打印。。应该怎么办?Hello, I've requested a call tag for UPS to pick up your Apple MacBook Pro MD103LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION) for return. The tracking number for this call tag is: 1Z###########. Within the next 2-5 business days a UPS driver will attempt to the pick up your return at the following address:2401 Ogletown RD STE A-QQ客户编号 Newark, DE 19711-5436United StatesIf the package isn't available when the pickup occurs, the driver will leave a return label at your address. You can then use this label to drop off your package at a UPS location near you. For help locating a UPS drop-off location, this website may be useful:http://www.ups.com/dropoff?loc=en_US
新手问题,什么叫“被amazon以关联账户的名义关闭了账户”? 您好,您需要登陆账号 对该货号的货物提交退货的指令即可。我们会联系UPS的,谢谢 C'est_La_Vie 发表于 2013-6-13 11:31 static/image/common/back.gif