Status: In transit
Ship Carrier: USPS
Tracking ID: 9361289932155101544141
Latest Event: Newark DE
Delivery attempted - April 20, 2013 8:56:00 AM
Text Trace:
Sign-up to receive text tracking alerts 作者: elfhunterr 时间: 2013-4-21 10:21
不是的,是投递失败,跟我的情况一样,应该是他们周末休息。要当地的周一,也就咱们这周二。作者: elfhunterr 时间: 2013-4-21 10:23
是qqex休息,但是usps的人还是尝试投递了。作者: 空心菜MM 时间: 2013-4-21 10:47
这是亚马逊发来的 那我现在要怎么处理吗?
We're writing about the order you placed on April 18, 2013 (Order# 110-9073601-6075423).
USPS attempted to deliver your package but was unable to leave the package unattended.
You can ask USPS to redeliver the package or hold it for pickup at the local post office. To do this, please go to and use the package tracking number 9361289932155101544141. If your package was shipped to a PO Box address, it was likely too large to leave in your particular post office box.
For more information about picking up this package, please visit and click "Locate a Post Office" to find contact information for your local post office or call 1-800-ASK-USPS. 作者: QQ快递客服小米 时间: 2013-4-21 11:17
周末仓库休息的 工作日会继续派送